Plot Summary: Essie is sixteen. Her baby sister is gone. She works at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, which is about to burn down. Her new best friend looks like she's lost. And she loves the boy next door. Everything is wrong. Just when it seems that it will all be okay, everything goes up in flames.
More Words: Riveting. The whole time I was reading I was also dreaming up gruesome deaths for little Zelda. I'm not really in love with precocious children, at least when they are characters written by people who've never touched a child with a ten foot pole. However, Zelda I could stomach. And her sister Essie was superb. Well, all the characters were great. I really liked the story- all three of them. Tragic, Heartbreaking, Gruesome... with a little bit of hope and a lot of love. It's a bit like The Moonlight Sonata.
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
{the book that's on the tip of my tongue}
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