More Words: Shannon Hale is great. I really liked this addition to the Bayern series. Especially because I've been reading back issues of the New Yorker and especially since I devoured that Genius book. For all their intellectual high-brow-ness, liberal wit, and activism I often feel lost and scared after I've put aside my reading for the day. The word I'm looking for is despair. Which brings me back to Shannon Hale and why I like her stories. There's usually some trouble
where the fate of the world/continent/nation hangs in the balance - and yet it's gets pared down to a manageable bite without losing flavour. Hale writes fantastic heart racing crisis moments. Often her heroes are crippled by self-doubt or guilt or social incompetence or some unique brew of issues. But they still save the kingdom from utter devastation. I can identify with that- even if I don't have superpowers that can be used for good or ill.

Comment on the cover design: I prefer the artwork for the first edition of Goose Girl.
Plot Summary: Rinna is Razo's baby sister. She has tree-speaking. She runs away from the trees and her family because... well that would be telling. As a lady in waiting to Queen Anidori she is instrumental in diffusing a border dispute that could lead to war that destroys the world. In the end, having come to terms with her greatest fears, she returns home to her family and to the forest.
Plot Summary: Rinna is Razo's baby sister. She has tree-speaking. She runs away from the trees and her family because... well that would be telling. As a lady in waiting to Queen Anidori she is instrumental in diffusing a border dispute that could lead to war that destroys the world. In the end, having come to terms with her greatest fears, she returns home to her family and to the forest.
Just read this one recently. Then I had to finish all of the Shannon Hale books. LOVED the Housewife and the Actor. Not the best writing, but I laughed a lot and cried.