Interesting, but not great and sometimes down right ridiculous or worse, boring. This book didn't get interesting until just before the end, when the main character suddenly changed his stripes. Ingrey started out as your typical anti-hero hero, except he was also kind of dumb AND then he fell in love. After which he devolped a sense of humour, started to participate in his own life and began to take an active roll in the politcal arena. AND typical of fantasy novels he attained magical powers, with almost no effort. Indeed, as if by magic he turned shaman overnight. Although it might have made the book harder to finish if becoming a shaman took longer, or some training. Did I mention the romance? Nevermind. Another aspect of the book I didn't like was the over abundance of the italicized double thinks that were supposed to lend an air of political intrigue.
Or just drive a person crazy.
Anyhow, there were some really fun characters that are probably found in other stories. This book I read is number 3 in Bujold's World of Chalion Series. And despite my not liking it, I might give the first two a try.
Paladin of Souls (#2 in series) won the Hugo Award for best Novel. And I did read a Barnes and Noble review, which indicated
The Hallowed Hunt isn't the best. Also a few weeks ago I stopped into a used book store (Hole in the Wall) and Bujold was strongly recommended to me. I read
The Spirit Ring, and I really liked it. I can't give up on her after one not so great book.

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