One Word Summary: at the principle's office
Summary: Nobody listens to Abby. So she takes things into her own hands, and sends Brett McAvery to the ER. Zero tolerance lands her in Catholic School where she learns to make herself heard and takes a leap of faith.
More Words: This was an okay story. Abby is a smart girl. She's incurably honest. She asks lots of questions. They're same questions most people ask who want to understand about God. For the most part she comes up with good answers. At least I like the answers because I am a believer and I'm too lazy to cast around for some doubts. Maybe an athiest would riducule this book, and an agnostic wouldn't care, however it might be helpful to a few. I'm glad KBB wrote this story.
Questions:Truly? Are all unhappy families unhappy in their own way?
Should I include my Scripture reading in the reading journal?
Action List:Read Tolstoy
Finish Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Dial Books, 2007